Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Act II: Love Letter

Dear Ophelia,

You have seen me at my worst and at my best. For now I am acting mad and I have come to you in your most private time in your sewing room.  I am truely sorry for I do not desire to hurt you.  You are my precious rose that I water and provide for.  You must tell me what I have done wrong to lose your trust and your love.  All I have ever wanted was to do right by you and to give you everything you desire.

I know that your father does not approve of our love.  Your brother also is not in favor of it, but please, follow your heart the way I have followed mine and be with the one you love. I!  I know that everyone has put false accusations of me in your mind.  That you are just another lover in my long list soon to come, but my love, you must'nt believe them.  For surely you  know that that is not true.  With all the time we have spent together in your heart you know I could never love another like the way I have loved you.  When I saw you in your sewing room and caught that first glance of you in your most innocent place I was struck.  For your hair was undone and natural.  I loved it.  Your face was untouched and pale and your lips red and perfect.  I loved it.  I have kept that memory of you all this time.  For you refuse to see me and this is the last image I have left. 

I am most certain that it was not your choice to stop seeing me but your father's choice.  Please my love, if this is true go against his precepts and visit me tonight at midnight by the place where we first layed eyes on one another.  You know such the place.  I will be waiting and I wish to prove to you my love once again to show you that this is not a show that I put on for an ordinary girl.  I love you Ophelia.


( I tried my best. I hope you like it. :/ )


toledo.daniel said...

I like how its directly connected to the play and how Hamlet seems like he is falling into madness over Ophelia. I like how he says he he remembers her image from the night in the sewing room and it is all he has left. It shows that he truly had feelings for her and wants nothing more than to have her back. Also I like how used our vocab in there. Nice touch

Amy Clark said...

I love this love letter. Hamlet comes off as very earnest, and although he loves Ophelia very much he has not lost his head in it. He's very serious and tells her the truth first and foremost. Beyond that, I liked your repetition of "I loved it." Great job Jasmine :)

Misha Kustin said...

That was really good. You hit all the major points and then some. From his madness to the reason people say not to trust him I can't think of anything you missed. I also like how you have them meeting up in a secret location so it would be harder for Polonius to spy.

stw923 said...

Nice job Jasmine. I agree with the above comments. I think you did a nice job to tying in the actual details of the play and I like how you portrayed Hamlet. He feels more romantic and softer than the version in the movie. Do you think Hamlet has a right to be mad at Ophelia - even though she is being used as a pawn by her father?

stw923 said...

(the following is from Kelli - she couldn't post)

This is really great Jasmine. I love this Hamlet you created with this letter. He sounds genuinely and sincerely in love with Ophelia. It's not just desperate obsession. I think it was really intelligent that you had him address her absence from his life and that you had him ackowledge that it was not her own choice to leave him. I feel it stays true to how Hamlet is always the smartest person on stage and is always a step ahead. I'm so curious as to whether or not this Hamlet and this Ophelia continue their story at midnight.