Monday, April 30, 2012

Our Opinion on Hamlet

                Reading Hamlet by William Shakespeare as a class and stopping to talk about what has just happened in scenes has helped me understand Shakespeare a lot better than I have in past years.  Without the movie I don’t believe that I would have completely understood the story line and what was going on.  Along with the movie helping me understand the Shakespearean language the mini projects helped me interpret Hamlet’s soliloquy in a modern way that also helped me understand it better.  While I was trying to right my own version of the “To be or not to be” speech I was looking back at the speech and breaking it down line by line.  By doing this it was easier for me to create my own version. 

In addition to that, the only thing that I did not like is the representation of Hamlet in the movie. I don’t like the actors chosen; I don’t feel Hamlet is represented well.  I wish they chose someone that was in the same range of age as Hamlet is represented in the play.  I also don’t like the setting where most of the movie is held.  It isn’t what I pictured in my head as a castle in Denmark.  I really wish I was able to have seen the actual play instead of the movie form. 

As to the story itself I don’t really like it, which is weird, because I love Lion King and that movie is based off of this play. I don’t like how we are left to assume a lot and guess a lot about what Shakespeare was trying to have us interpret.  For example, that we don’t know if Gertrude really knew of the murder of Old Hamlet really frustrates me.  And the relationship between Ophelia and Hamlet is so confusing.  They never say that there was any sexual relationship but Ophelia when mad has lines about a man that promises to marry her but never does because he only seeks to take her virtue and leaves.  This leaves me lost and confused.  I wish things were straight forward.

As to what I want to discuss more, the language.  I understand the play because I can see it visually but if I just read it I don’t understand.  I don’t know how to translate certain words to modern day language.  I would find it helpful if we went over the actual text of Hamlet as we watch the movie or have some days were we read the text and the next day we watch the movie just so I cannot depend on the movie as much as I do.  Besides that there really isn’t much to complain about I enjoy the way we are being taught.


TimHegedus said...

I completely understand what you are trying to say, I think Hasmlet's soliliquiys also allowed us to have a better idea of his mindset so we could make our own. What other things do you think the soliloquiys show readers that other parts of the play do not?

stw923 said...

Jasmine, did you really WRITE "to right my own version"? Other than that, thank you for your feedback. I am glad that you enjoyed the movie. Shakespeare always wrote his plays to be seen and not merely read so I think that watching it really helps. Do you think Gertrude was part of the whole murder plot scheme or do you think she was merely a victim because she was a woman?

Rachael Ciccone said...

Wow! I didn't know you did not like the play! I really enjoyed it! But I also agree with you on the whole Gertrude part and if she was a part of Old Hamlet's murder! It is pretty easy to make an assumption she was because of the funeral wedding!

Krista~ said...

I definitely agree with you on the representation of Hamlet. I think someone a little younger would have visually fit Hamlet and his attitude. Even though Hamlet was 30, the actor still did not suit him. Also, I think it's okay if you don't like the story - I mean the Lion King certainly has its differences - for example Nala doesn't kill herself. I wonder if your opinion of the story has changed now that we have seen/read the ending?

Kevin Kaderis said...

I agree with you, and also thought that watching the play was really helpful. If we just read along it would have been more difficult to understand. I also find it hard to understand the the text, and watching helped me understand. Do you think if we just watched the play without the book in front it would have been as useful?